- Annonsnummer: 15077
Uthyres Villa Mama, Omis

- Ljubica Gabric
- Uvala Baluni 9
- 21000 Split
- Telefon: +385953445051
- Mobil: +385953445051
- Boyta: 300 m²
- Rum: 2
- Antal bäddar: 4 + extrabäddar: 2
- Högsäsong: 1393 EUR/vecka, 199 EUR/dygn
- Lågsäsong: 553 EUR/vecka, 79 EUR/dygn
- Mellansäsong 1: 833 EUR/vecka, 119 EUR/dygn
- Hyres ut årsvis: 2021EUR/år
- The house is located in the centre of the medieval town of Omis, near
the tower called Torjun.
It was created by consolidating two residential houses, one leaning on
the medieval defensive wall and the other placed towards the wall
forming that way an intimate courtyard.
The houses are characterized by harmonious Baroque carved details and
some of the best features are the main portal and a beautiful console
stone staircase with balcony in the courtyard.
The house was completely renovated in 2010. Sitting under an ancient
defensive wall and the possibility of walking the defensive wall, which
can be accessed from the apartment on the second floor, represents a
special attraction.
The house has its own backyard, yet when stepping from the Baroque
set you find yourself in the historical town centre with a variety of
restaurants and shopping facilities.
You will be even more delighted when you realize how close the villa is
to the sea and a long public beach that stretches to the nearby cape.
Villa composed of 3 apartments (each apartment can accommodate 4+2
people); 3 x kitchen/ dining room/ sitting room; 3 additional toilets; 3
balconies; 2 terraces; Coffee bar on the ground floor
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