- Annonsnummer: 6677
Uthyres The Lake Cottage - tranquility in the heart of Gascony, south west France

- Jodi
- Domaine de LaTour
- 40240 Creon-d\'Armagnac
- Telefon: (33) 961-51-2047
- Mobil: (33) 643-39-8080
- Boyta: 140 m²
- Rum: 7
- Antal bäddar: 4 + extrabäddar: 1
- Högsäsong: 690 EUR/vecka, 90 EUR/dygn
- Lågsäsong: 430 EUR/vecka, 60 EUR/dygn
- Mellansäsong 1: 620 EUR/vecka
- Welcome to Gascony, a truly unspoiled part of southwest France, it is paradise...a region full of magnificent
natural surroundings, chateaux, bastides, rolling hills, sunflowers, friendly people, and of course the
Gascon cuisine, wines and armagnac! Away from the crowds of tourists and high prices! This place leaves
you with a feeling of wellbeing... and what better place to call home than a comfortable and modernized
cottage or farmhouse that is family friendly, peaceful and surrounded by interesting things to do?
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