- Annonsnummer: 8399
Uthyres Apartments Tereza

- Iris Đilović
- Koločep
- 20221 Koločep
- Telefon: 0038520436814
- Mobil: 00385951970704
- Boyta: 48 m²
- Rum: 1
- Antal bäddar: 2 + extrabäddar: 2
- Högsäsong: 550 EUR/vecka, 80 EUR/dygn
- Lågsäsong: 470 EUR/vecka, 60 EUR/dygn
- this apartment is situated at seaside of the nearest island to Dubrovnik. This
island is very quiet and calm,there are no cars,but you have several times a day
conection with Dubrovnik. The apartment is 30m distanced from the sea.
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